Archive for the ‘ three kingdom online ’ Category

I was feeling old school and I decided to bring out my old nes and play a game that really loved then Destiny of an Emperor.

Destiny of an Emperor is old NES RPG game (made in 1989) that is based on the Romance of three kingdoms novel.


It’s not the actual story of the Luo Guanzhong’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel since you control Liu Bei and is general and you can actually take down the Wu and wei Kingdom.


So for you fan of Clash of Kingdom and Three kingdom online, I think you will love that game. You will see all the good old general from the Three kingdom Area.


I don’t know if I’m going to write about it but if you want to check some walkthrough you can check lord Yuan Shu site for there review and walkthrough of the game :

Lord yuan shu site:

You can find the game and walkthrough on Kongming site:

TKO U23 & U24 Server Merge Announcement has been announced … finally after 1 year of our original merger…

U5, U7, U9>>>>>>> Ultimate Server 23

U6, U8,U11>>>>>>> Ultimate Server 24

Let hope this one go well… not like the last one

I’m laughing myself out right now because of Peng Guo awesome Three Kingdom comics. Read this one and click on it for his main site


Peng Guo created this web comic about the story of the three kingdom but on is own view. Zhang Fei like Mc Donald, Cao Cao have a duck hat and the Red Hare is a red hare… Some might be a little offensive or be NSFW but there are all awesome.

Check these out, click on the image for the main site.

image liubei-zhangfei

xia hou lubu

I noticed that there not much information about how to obtain Epic heroes so I build up a quick guide from what I found on the web (mostly on the TKO forum)

Heroes summits

The easiest way to get heroes is probably with the heroes summits.

First you get a level one Liu Bei/Sun Quan/Cao Cao once you get a level 9 resources fields, which is great since they have farm (increase you food output by 25%) this will help you create a super capital if you followed my guide on how to build a city of 15 slot of food or even 18 slot of food.

The heroes you get depend on your kingdom (most of them lv1):
For Shu: Liu Bei,
one of those 3 one star heroes: Liu Feng, Wang Ping, Huang Chengyan
one of those 2 two star heroes: Ma Dai, Jiang Wei
And when you have 14 cities:     Guan yu (lv 100)
For other kingdom it the same here the heroes I got with my other account:
Wei: Cao Cao, Xian hou Dun, Wei Xu, Dian Wei (lv 100)
Wu: Sun Quan, Zhou yu(lv100), Gan Ning, Meng Huo

hero's summit

Hermit house

hermit house
You can recruit Epic heroes at the hermit house, it might seem a bit more complicated than the Heroes summits but once you know it actually easier since it doesn’t require to do much.
First go in your quest tab then select Hermit house


Do all the quest you can to have flag for different faction
the easiest are probably using the forge and battle arena, the other quest you need to to have stell ship for another quest (you get this from disenchanting item in the forge) and the last quest is to hunt and win vs a escort guardian.

Once you got all the you need for a specific hero you can challenge him, if your hero win you get the heroes at level one, you can recruit up to 5 epic heroes that way.

More on Hermit house  & Heroes summits


If you are wondering which hero to chose I would suggest to take the hero that will have farm has a middle skill. There actually 2 heroes that have farm : Zhang  Cheng(farm 9%) and Liao Hua (7%) . I think Zhang  Cheng is a must since he have 73 of politic too, making him a excellent governor.

If you want the list of all the heroes in the hermit house you can look at that thread.

Career Center

The good old career center can give you epic heroes too but that require you to pay gold.
There 3 way to recruit

career center

Wandering heroes
It is said that some time the are heroes that appear in the wandering section of the career center, however this only happen in capital city.
Note is happened once that Koram made a special event and there are wandering heroes in your city that you can hire for gold, it usually a ton of gold (like 2k…) so it’s not the most cost effective way to recruit.

Basic search (1gold)
Probably the most cost effective way to search but each search have low chance of giving an epic compare to the advance search, you can have an epic if your lucky according to these link below but I personally never got anything via that search. Weirdly I never got any epic with this using gift voucher.

Advance search (10/50 gold)
Most who have tried it don’t recommend the 50 gold search, some tried it once and regret it.
Save gold by doing 10 gold searches rather than 50’s.

Note that for all the search increasing your court rank helps to have more epic heroes in your Career center.

Even to Count / Duke will help your chances more.
If you really pump money in and get to Infante or above then roll the 50g searches as these will produce more.

You can get more info on the forum here, here and here.

Note that advance search even have complaints.

Escort guardian


This is another great free way to have epic heroes, but the ode a super sucky
I fortunately got a lot of good heroes with this and what really cool is that they arrive level 100.
So far from that I got Zhang Bao, Guan Xing, Zhao Tong, Li feng, Wen Yang, Jiang Ji and Yan Yu.

I do about 8-10 escort guardian a day and it happen around every month or so that I get a Epic so you do the math 🙂

Epic soul

This is not really a great way to have heroes but if you need to attack and have  extra heroes for you coalition or to defend or to grab a oasis from another player, soul are a great way to do that.
It can be a way to defend your city and protect your real heroes while will you getting attack too.
They are unfortunately gone after a certain amount of time (usually 6hr, it’s written beside the soul name)

Other ways

Special event: Black flag camp

There use to be a special event call the Black flag camp where you can get a heroes if you manage to destroy all the troop in the camp and have a special item in your inventory (Intelligence letter).
The heroes guarding the camps are Pang tong, Taishi Ci and Yan Liang.
The camp require massive amount of troops to kill and there only a 50% chance of having the hero but in all case your league will receive a prize even if you don’t get the hero.
More info on this in the forum.

If you know any other way to recruit epic please let me know, I’ll try to keep the list up to date.

Note this article was written when the merge period was only 2-3days, in the new merge rules the no-starvation period last 2 weeks, which change alot on how you manage your pre-merge configuration

1- Period of peace after the top league eliminated every other leagues.

While you might need to still build troops to support the emperor if you are on an emperor road server but here are the mains guideline and tips.
Build you career center to the max on every city and grab at least 2 oasis per city because on an ultimate server there is no oasis.
You can grab even 3 oasis per city if you do a mansion rotation. (Check here to know how to do it : Nomadic capital guide)

Another thing you can focus on is to grab some cities, try to grab only 15f and 9f if you are plundering a bit. Note that you might think is good idea to grab other cities with a lobbyist, don’t  do it for 6f cities or at least don’t do it too much because the city with high points are moved in the server merges (they were for U1 and U5)  so you’re better off having them has farm and because you have a city limit of 26 you should focus of having mostly 15f and 9f or 6f with good oasis placement so you can store and build a lot of unit.

Also it might be a good time to make a 15f main, you can later swap oasis after the merge if you don’t have 3 50% food oasis.



Another things that always important, be sure to have a high level of upgrade in all your cities specially those that you build most of your troop.


Always have some lobbyist ready too because you might need them (4 at least if your wei 5 for the other kingdom to take the city in one sweep) check out my lobbying guide and how to make a lobbying train.


2- Prior the merge

Once you know they’re a merge, start pumping troop over your limit in all your city.
Why ? because on an ultimate server during the 2 day of protection and 3 day of adjustment you cannot lose troop to starvation.
So pump your troop to the ceiling to give a hell of a ride to your enemies.


3- The 2 day of “Protection period”

During this period you can move your cities. I’ve made the mistake of moving all my city together at the same spot besides an enemies.
Why this is a mistake ?

1- It make you a target has well.

2- some of your city are to weak anyway to take a part in the fight, you can leave them in them main cluster or move them near another player in the main cluster that have a oasis to steal it since oasis are really hard to find on a ultimate server.



4- The 3 day of “Adjusting period”

You cannot lose troop to starvation but you can now attack so don’t be afraid to send massive troop at your enemies.
Strike those special city with it because he have to protect them since if he loses the fight he lose the city.
Demolish but with moderation because you never know your enemy today might be your friend tomorrow, wall, barrack, stable scout camp  most be destroyed,
Warehouse and granary might be a good idea, to prevent him from building back massive amount of troop.
Farmland at last resort since it can help him if someone send him support. But if he might be pissed about it and you might lose an ally in the future (or a nice farm)
After that is only survival is his league support since even if he try to rebuild you will strike him and kill his troop anyway.


5- Post war


I don’t know what happened on your merge guys but for us once one league surrendered we pretty much went back in too simcity and building troop to support the future emperor.
So since it hard to keep player playing when there no war, no action and If you’ve made this far to a server merge you probably wanna play whatever you’ve win or lose.
So be fair play and have fun.

For those who read my article about the earth seal awhile ago, the a equivalent item available right now name the Seal of terrain.

Seal of Terrain: Use to change a 15-resource field city to 18-resource field city.

Check on Koram forum here for more detail :

It note there other event, one that might be interesting is the one if you do 6 daily quest you get 100 jade globes 🙂


Free Items for Doing Daily Quest
Event Duration: Jun. 24th, 00:00~Jun. 28th, 24:00 (PDT)
Server: All servers
If you finish 6 or above Daily Quests successfully in a day, you will random get one of the following items:
Draft Order X 1
Jade Globe X 100
Spice (100) X 1
Trader Order X 1
Mind Game (Tiger Scroll) X 1
1. The daily Quests should be 3Kingdoms Quiz, Book of Heroes, and Morning Excercise.
2. All the items are bound and can’t be presented.
3. The rewards will be sent to your account from 00:00 to 03:00 in the next day.

Info about this event is at the same location.


Note:  after reading carefully the post, I realised that it take a freaking 10k of gold to get the seal of terrain…  10k of gold is about 375$ usd … which can buy a ps3 and a bunch of game for the same amount of money.

Note : This a post I wrote on the koram forum, I just wanted to share it with you.

After playing for awhile in the server 14 a merge with server came and that really wasn’t a good time for me since I was getting married about a week before the merge and was on my honeymoon during the merge.

Fearing losing it all I shared my account too some friend.

When the merge came I only logged to move my cities. My fate was then in the hand of my friends, thinking, since our server is older so we will squash them anyway.

When I came back online a week after the beginning of the war the top league (KokuryoElite) of server 20 and it’s sub league was waging war against us and we were in very bad shape.

My troops were decimated, one of my friend and sitter had to leave because he had to go on a business trip, and my other sitter switched to the other side. Behind in constant attack and after a few defeat our league was starting to lose ground and county.
I asked my aggressor to stop attacking me considering I missed the fight, they kindly accepted if I joined them. One told me this simple but funny message: "Ah you were a good farm, but considering the fact that I destroyed one of your city and lobbied another I think I’ve harm you enough.
I’m now member of the great KokyryoEliteII and I learned a lot about this experience.
In the defeat I’ve grew wiser and learned a lot about how the merge work and how to take advantage of it in the next merge.
Thank you for your time, let me know what you think.
My next post will be about the tactics and strategies I found during the merge.

Any of you have any funny story about your merge ?

I just noticed what the best feature of the TKO 2.6 upgrade is.

Look at the heroes screen : 


You can now upgrade directly from the left list and you see all your heroes that need to level up.

I LOVE that feature.

A little close up if you don’t see it :

level-up close

So what is your favorite “new” feature of the version 2.6

There will be an upgrade to v2.6 on most server on the 22th of march, I think S1, S47 and S48 already got that upgrade.

There many nice feature to keep the game interesting even though I was king of losing interest since nothing was happening on my server.
If you want a detail review you can check this post on the Koram forum.

There a lot of nice thing there my favs are probably going to be the hermit house, the super field and the capital outpost.

The Hermit house:

Finally a way to get epic without paying,  you can recruit them in the hermit house and you have to do quest before recruiting them.
Note : You could get epic heroes by fighting epic guardian too but I think you already knew that…

Super field
There will be new field spawned around the map, 18f (like the item we talked about here) 17f and 16f. They are heavily guarded (min of 50k of troop there).
The number is really limited, and I think that suck because you will have a whole server fighting for them and I think that stink for the gold player who paid a boat load of money from the previous event to get a 18 farm fields city.

Capital outpost

(more in this post : TKO update Preview III:Capital Outpost )
This upgrade was almost necessary since the number of city is capped and not everyone was able to get those capital city.  There a forum post that explains well how it work.

There other bunch of nice stuff in this upgrade: new unit, better unit management, league features,  etc …
What did you like and what do you hate about this upgrade ?

TKO – Heroes List

Even I knew about the list before. Our leader in our league sent us the link today, I though you might be interested in it.

It’s the list of all one to three star heroes, their stats at lv 100 and their ability.

Here the link:

It incomplete so if you have a hero that not there feel free to add it.