Safe sex with friends

After hooking your friend on word with friend like that report from Zynga  time to get busy. And there the game just for you, “Safe Sex With Friends”.


The game humorous and sexy name it not the only thing that well thought out, the gameplay is actually very intuitive since it’s played like word with friends / scrabble but with a twist, instead of letter you play either body part or a protection (barrier), you have to make a chain instead of a word.


It features the most adorable drawings of jitterbugging dental dams and smiling members of the male and female anatomy you’ll see.



Plant vs Zombies 2 delayed

Remember a weekly post talking about Plant vs zombies I sent you a while ago ?

I was saying that the new Plants vs zombies game was coming out in july but we now have new its been delayed for later this summer.

Contrat: Evolution or Contrat on mobile

It seem all our good old retro game are coming back on mobile and konami is bringing back to good old contrat on iOs.

I haven’t bought it and they didn’t gave me a free trial but I really wonder what the control are like, that game was really tough with that the 30 extra life cheat.

It’s been awhile I haven’t done any weekly update, here what caught my eye in the last month.

Browser game

Mashup of scrabble + simcity = verbocity

Here a game with a really cool concept it puts together the word game genre (like scrabble) and the city building genre (like simcity). You build buildings which cover an area and you get the letter under the area. To build another building you must have the letter to build the given building. If you want to build a “house” you must have all the letter in the word house.

And there is a little  extra twist you must balance between population, job and fun (recreational) building to get extra value for your town. verbocity

So far here are the word I’ve found :

House, hut, park, mine, factory, stadium, arena, statue, tower, skyscraper, condo, zoo, pub, bar, club, museum, court, barrack, field, townhall, dump.

Link to the game : Verbocity

Related : Spell ‘tower’ and more in SimCity and Scrabble mashup VerboCity


Scrounger: another Zombie game

Another zombie game that caught my eye with his retro style.

The game play is actually really fun even though the controls are squishy and that you sometime was ammo for no reason. You got from room to room collecting ammo and food. You can shoot the zombie but there is more zombie than ammo so it’s better  to run from them most of the time. You clear an area when you collect everything or kill all the zombie.


Link to the game : Scrounger

Related : Scrounger, if starvation or fatigue doesn’t kill you, the zombies will

Final Fantasy mobile news

Not browser related since I’ve already wrote about final fantasy tactics in the past there some new here.

There’s an update for final fantasy tactic, new graphic, new animation, support for the iCloud and it’s half off woohoo 🙂

Click here for more info from toucharcade

Another Free final fantasy tactic is out in japan on iOs, we don’t know if there will be a release elsewhere in the world but I hope it will.

It seems it has the race and class from Final Fantasy tactic Advance 2 on the DS, which I’ve loved, but the combat system seems much simpler missing the tactical advantage of moving around the terrain and going behind your enemy back.
You can check out the trailer :

Finally if you are a Fan of the final fantasy series there a talk next week (june 11th 2013) about the future of the franchise.

More info here on MCV

Has a Final Fantasy  fan you can check the development of game The Black Tower, a final fantasy nod that have a similar combat system to Final Fantasy 7

World of Tank: from free to play to free to win

Wargaming the maker of Word of tank, has made a announcement that it won’t give in game advantage making the game “more equal” for paying/non-paying user.

From the article :

“Free-to-play games have the challenge of being sometimes viewed as low quality, and we want World of Tanks to serve as proof that a quality and balanced free-to-play game is possible. However, breaking down deeply-rooted stereotypes is no easy task.”

Check out the full article on Gamasutra