I’m a big Futurama fan and I came across two retro futurama game on indies retro news, both a work in progress hopefully a playable version soon. Here are our two contenders:
Futurama – The Adventure Game
The title is not the official one and the game is being Developed by Arjon van Dam on the MS-DOS group, with backdrops and no actual game play as of yet. Will be very similar to games such as Kings Quest and Space Quest but with text speech in a style of Lucasarts. So far many of the images are backdrop try outs, with many of the rooms being created from the TV series, such as the Planet Express Headquarters.
Source & more screenshot at indieretronews
Futurama Professor Vetus I presume
Futurama Professor Vetus I presume have maniac mansion, king quest look from the 90s, The game will be free with around 100 playable rooms, open world with space travels, enemies, playable characters such as Fry and much more. It could well be the ultimate fan based adventure for Futurama fans across the globe. The game is currently being developed in Spanish but according to the dev blog it will be translated in English too.
Source & more screenshot/Vid at indieretronews
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funny, indie

Pocket Gamer delves into the ongoing craze started by Dong Nguyen’s creation Flappy Bird, and the effects it’s had on the mobile market. After rocketing up Apple’s charts and absorbing a storm of online abuse, Nguyen pulled the title down from both the App Store and Google Play nearly a month ago.
That not all on February 27 one third (1/3) of the apps released on the app store were Flappy Bird clone (95 total) according to the guardian.
Hopefully that will slow down, so I can release mine… no really I won’t release that crap…
There have been a lot of flappy bird game, video, meme going on lately. I’ve decided to do a little round up of the last few weeks.
You can check our previous post on Flappy bird:
The Flappy bird that went away
More “flappy”ing bird
Flappy bird 3D
How to make Flappy bird more hip, 3D of course after piranha 3d here come Flappy bird 3D

Flappy bird FPS
In the same line of Flappy bird 3D why not make it from a first person point of view. The result is actually really interesting. Have a look if you want to try it out.

Download First person Flappy bird
Maverick Bird
This is a hard one that you can play right away since it’s browser base. You can either flap (up) or dive (down) making the game even harder. You move toward the obstacles really fast so be prepare and drink some coffee.

Play it !
Flappy Bird for Commodore 64
Flappy bird is pretty basic when you think about it, someone made a clone on the commodore 64. Check out the youtube video, link to the actual game is in the video description on youtube.
Chuck Norris vs Flappy Bird
Tired of hearing about Flappy bird, Chuck Norris too and he has a nice way to “Finish the game” and it involves a lot of bird a** kicking… Check it out.
More Flappy bird
Indies retro news Flappy bird Compilation
Indie Games Flappy Bird Brower Pick
Appsgoer top Iphone Flappy Bird Clone
Let us know in the comment your favorite one and if you know other notable Flappy bird clone let us know.
D&D Yoga ? Mixing the fine art of yoga with Dungeons & Dragons sounded silly at first but the result is quite interesting. I know that not in the realm of video games but the whole project is so odds that I had to write about it.
Check out the video at Killscreedaily.com
Dungeon masters meets yoga