Gamebox recently just launched 2 new servers for its popular fantasy card game Ancient Summoner: S2 Werewolf and S3 Bloodmoon. These two new servers are both named after the folklore of the halfblood, because of its immense popularity not only in modern popular fictions, but also in Ancient Summoner.

In Ancient Summoner, all creatures are classified into 8 races with different orientations. And the Halfblood, as unique as any other races, has become the favorite of many players.  Halfblood creatures are  “notoriously” known for dealing massive physical damage. Feles, Centaurs, Tengus, Sylvis, and of course, Werewolves, unlike other races that often have their own mages or priests, these halfbloods deal only physical damage, and they deal a lot. Against a halfblood gang, creatures with low HP or armor are not likely to survive even one single strike.

Some proper armor and high DPS mages are the  efficient way to stop these werewolves from eating your body.


The half-man-half-mammal image is the signature of the Halfblood. However, not all the halfblood creatures look as scary as werewolves or centaurs.  An event quest currently going on in the game is giving a halfblood creature of the cutest combination of human and mammal that you can think of: the bunny girl! It’s called Mynx in Ancient Summoner. And the cutest thing about this event is that players need to finish several independent quests to collect the item of carrot. And with a required amount of carrots, you can finally get your own bunny girl Mynx!

Currently, as this game became more and more popular, Ancient Summoner is now available on both Chrome Web Store (as an app) and Mozilla FireFox (as an add-on).

Google Chrome Web Store APP

Mozilla FireFox Add-on

For more info about Ancient Summoner, please visit Official Website

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