I recently had the chance to review bubblis new word game recently.
You can check the press release here.


At first I had trouble getting how to play Bubblis but with the help of the tutorial I’ve manage to understand the basic of the game. 

Once you understand that you just need to make the word on the right on the line the word is, the game become much easier and fun.

Here how it work : the letter slowly falling in a bubble one by one from the clouds. You to tape where they are going to try to make the word on the right side on the same line, if you don’t taps were the letter goes it might go randomly any were and if there no more space between the letter to fall and the cloud you’re done (like Tetris).
Note when you manage to get your word, all rows under this word are cleared giving you space to dispose of useless letters.

This picture might give you a good idea how it work :


On third line (x3) the player must make the word Robe but since there no letter on the third line the word stay on the right. On the second line the word was jew and since our friend managed to put the letter j and e he only need the letter w to clear the first and second. On the last line, the word that needed to be played is top and he almost got it too only the p missing.

Note that if you mange to get the word from the first line only the first line is clear. Like in the case of our friend, if he manage to get top only the first line is cleared and the letter j and e will fall on the first row instead of the second one.

You can download either the regular version or the HD version of Bubblis. Give Bubblis some love.

If you want to see more of the game before buying it, you can look a this promo video:

Update : For those who asked the link to download hit here they are :

iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bubblis/id510585983?mt=8
price: $1.99
Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ongamecreative.Bubblis
price: $2.00

Disclaimer: I won’t receive any money if you buy or download the game, I’m not associated with on creative media.