
Super mario 3 – a new journey



You want to relive the good for the nes with some new Mario action. You’re in luck with A new path for super mario 3 – a new journey.

You need to have the super mario 3 rom and patch it, all the instructions are in the following link.

Once you’re done play the patched rom on the emulator of your choice and have fun

Other Super Mario – Super Mario on the Amiga.

Titled as Other Super Mario, this early project was started because the developer has always wanted Mario on the Amiga. Sadly as it’s just a project there is only a 1 level demo, there’s no game over sequence and the jumping is very floaty. As for if this is going to be a full project taking most of his time, this looks to be unlikely especially as he had said he may just add the odd level over time. For further details, see the discussion link here.

Super Mario Bros CPC

Unless you were living in a cave, many of you will remember the classic game that is ‘ Super Mario Bros ‘, that was produced by Shigeru Miyamoto and released by that famous company Nintendo in the late 80’s for the NES. It is an incredible platformer that has had many sequels and spin offs on different systems, ranging from the NES all the way up to the very modern console, the Wii U. Yet today a fan by the name of GinBlog82 has announced the latest update to the 80’s classic, over to the Amstrad CPC.

Note: This is a kind of mashup of all the recent Mario news I’ve found on IndieRetroNews, so you can go there to give them some love.

A monkey, a parrot and an adventure full of surprises in the tunnels of Mars: the italian software house Youmble releases Martian Caves”, a new platform adventure game, free to play on iOS and Android.

In a distant future, two guinea pigs are sent on a mission to search for life forms, but soon the situation goes totally wrong and our heroes have to find their way home through 40 action-packed levels, mazes and unfriendly alien lifeforms!

To survive the trip and return home alive and well Eclecto the parrot and Rudy the monkey have at their disposal the amazing VERNE module ( Vehicle-for-Exploration: Return-Not-so-Essential ), a spaceship that will allow players to walk, fly, shoot and move freely in every corner of the 40 stages of the game, in search of the hidden stars needed to advance.

Check out there video:


Martian Caves, developed by Youmble will be available on May 23rd on Google Play and later on Apple App Store