Who doesn’t love pirates, they roam the sea in search of adventures and treasures, they fight ship and steal merchants every thing you need for a good game. We are going to look a what cool pirates games are out there in the mobile market

Age of Booty Tactics (iOs)

If you played Age of Booty on steam you will be very happy to know there a new version on iOs. Age of Booty: Tactics is free to play and only playable in two separate options of turn-based multiplayer: you can either go the traditional asynchronous way and submit a turn and want for your opponent to make their move, or you can play with a local friend on a shared device using a pass-and-play interface. Victory will earns you a pile of booty which you can use to upgrade your fleet and buy upgrades.

Play it it’s free: Age of Booty: Tactics – Certain Affinity

Official site: http://www.ageofbooty.com/

Related: Multiplayer piratical RTS Age of Booty Tactics

Bouncy Pirates (iOs)

Bouncy Pirates is an adorable arcade game where you need to juggle pirates from there ship to a island to help them steal treasure from a chest.

They’re launched from your ship by shooting them with the cannon You then tap the barrels floating in the sea at the right time to jump them around up to to the island where the treasure lies. Once they reach the treasure chest you need to bounce them back to your ship until the treasure is empty.

pretty easy game at the beginning with one pirate but its get harder the more pirates jump off you ship. Give it a try it’s free 🙂

Play it it’s free : Bouncy Pirates – Nathan Malville

Related: Bouncy Pirate


Browser Games indies news

Not much in the indies browser game world this week

I saw an interesting one at Indiegames.com, king of bee. It’s a game insired by old school text adventures and “badly translated story material from Japanese NES and Genesis games” (quote from indiesgames.com)

You can finish it pretty quickly, I actually made peace with the king of bee, I haven’t tried killing him though, tell me what you did in the comment if you want.

Link and related news:




Mobile news

Infinity blade 2 at 0.99$

Remember a post I made a post about Infinity blade being at 0.99$ (well now it’s free lol) the sequel is now getting the same ridiculous price.

And this one is for fun (A parody, NSFW)






A really nice RPG caught my attention it’s called 9thdawn. It’s 2.99$ and it’s for a good cause, a small team of indie dev. It’s a massive world to play and the control might be a bit tricky but it’s definitely a nice game if you’re into RPG.


Official site: http://www.valorware.com/9thdawn/

News: http://toucharcade.com/2013/06/21/9th-dawn-review/


Kingturn RPG Plus

Remember I’ve talked about Kingturn RPG? Well there a new game (both free and paid) with new story and new classes.

Related :



RPG Quest – Minimæ

A RPG with a old 8 bit look “à la Dragon Quest/Warrior”, I haven’t tried this one though but you can have a look nonetheless.

Related :


Puzzle Pirate

Puzzle pirate is coming out on mobile, I’ve played a bit with this game on the pc and it’s quite fun but a bit time consuming. If you like puzzle game you will love this one.

Related News:


Baldurs Gate get pulled out of the app store

Remember when I wrote about Baldur’s gate on the app store, it’s seem they pulled it out of the apps store because of some contractual problem. You can check the news here.