If you’ve been living under a rock you know that apple have released the new IPhone 5S & 5C. What actually important is that infinity blade 3 was released the same time the new IPhone was. I’ve talked a bit about the game  first and second instalment, and it is said that the third Infinity Blade make full use iPhone new hardware and enhance rendering.

So our friend at toucharcade have played the game both on IPhone 5 and 5S and you can see the subtle differences on each phone.

First impression

Full Review at Touch Arcade(compare Iphone 5 vs 5S)


That might look all great but maybe you want to know first what Infinity blade is all about or you want just a quick reminder of what happen in the first 2 game. You’re lucky, it can all be found on youtube and we got you covered, the guys at toucharcade (they love this game) even have explained everything in between the other games just for you.

Story before IB3(12 minutes)

Full article at TouchArcade

If you are in a hurry just the Lore might do (1minutes)

Hope that convince you to buy the game or at least try one of the 2 previous one. If you’re following this blog, you should have gotten them both for free by now, if not you have to pay full price or wait for it to be free again.

Old Infinity Blade post:


It’s been awhile since I haven’t posted a weekly update (the last one was on july 16th), since I started a new job I haven’t had time to work on the site that much. I’m trying to grow the site has well that why there more promo post recently and we are slowly gaining partners.

So I’ll do a bi-weekly or a monthly update so you can still see what cooking around the web but I will be able focus more on marketing side of the site.

last update : http://onlinesgamestips.com/2013/07/quick-weekly-review-time-travel-knight-with-gold-and-gems-to-save-plants-vs-zombies/

Infinity blade 3

I’ve talked about Infinity blade 1 & 2 in the past and it’s seem that there is a rumour that a third instalment of the game is coming.


Plants vs. Zombies 2 is finally out

Plants vs. Zombies 2  Available Worldwide since august 14. I’ve talked a lot about this one (here, here and here) just go grab it already if you’re a fan of the original and if you’re not or you never played the original just download it and try it it’s “free to play”.

Check out what the community has to say on touch arcade :


A ‘16-bit’ Nostalgia

A street fighter card battle game is coming out and a breath of fire on too. It seems it however just in japan for now but hopefully for everyone else we will get these game too. I actually a big fan of Breath of Fire and I would love to see it here.

Street fighter card battle game :


Breath of Fire :


Noteworthy :  ‘Blizzard WCS’ App

I’m a big fan a sc2 (even though I’m really bad)  and I’m happy to know that Blizzard released an app to watch live stream games or replay. I usually watch the stream on twitchTV but it seems that the ‘Blizzard WCS’ App have more feature. I cool app to have if you’re a Starcraft 2 fan.


Kotaku just mentioned that the best ever games and apps made for your iPhones and iPads are going free this week to celebrate Apple App Store’s 5th Birthday!
Though they have given a link to AppSnatcher’s page, for a lot of us its seems to be slow and not working. So I am going to be updating the links to all great free apps and games here, continuously 🙂 Enjoy!

click here for the full list :


UPDATE More game here : http://www.appsnatcher.com/#m/appsale?price=free&filter=popular